Sunday, March 2, 2014

Goals in Google Analytics - Part 1

This is one of the most important feature of google analytics, which can help us realize the monetary value of our website. Goals are usually used to track the behavior of the visitors regarding a specific activity on our website which is important for our success. For e.g. you have an eCommerce website and want to track how many people purchased a product and made payment, you can set up a goal for the same.

Goals can be of any type like the number of pages people viewed during their visit, time spent on the website, or even number of times a particular page was viewed by the visitors.

There are basically four types of goals in google analytics:

1.)    Destination Goal: Destination Goal is usually the page visited by a user which is a measure of your success. For e.g. If you have an eCommerce website, the page displayed after a purchase order is complete can be set as a destination goal since that measures how many people actually completed a purchase order.

2.)    Duration Goal: Duration goal is basically the time spent by visitors on your website. Now if you set your duration goal as 5 minutes, any visitor spending more than five minutes on your website will be counted.

3.)    Pages /Screens per visit: This goal states the number of pages viewed by the visitor during his visit to your website. Now if you set your goal as 10 pages/visit, only visitors spending more than 10 minutes on your website will be counted.

4.)    Event goal: This goal is usually useful for websites having more amount of flash and videos on their website. Any time a particular visitor plays a video or downloads a file, the event can be tracked. For setting up an Event goal, event tracking must be enabled on your website.

Reference :

Setting up goals and ecommerce. (n.p., n.p. n.p.). Retrieved from


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