Sunday, February 23, 2014

Some Basics of Google Analytics - Part 2

 Basics of Google Analytics Continued....

Apart from Visits, Page views and bounce rate , there are some more reports/visualizations which can help us to determine if our website is being visited often and if yes from where are the audiences.

Below is a Time Plot where you can see the bounce rate on particular dates. Since time plot can be used to compare two variables with a Time we can also compare two attributes at the same time with respect to time.

Here we can compare few already defined metrics with each other. Like in above report you can see how many people are visiting your website with respect to how many people are bouncing just after landing on your website.

Now lets understand few things about the trafiic sources and the region from where visits are actually coming to our website.                                                                                              

Here in demographics column, you have Language, Country/Territory and City. Language basically is the Language set at the browser level of the Visitor. Here you can see that there are three languages in the report.

Apart from Language, you can view from which Country you are getting Visits from.Using this knowledge you can target which audience you want to do business with. For e.g Some products might be region specific.
Like if you are selling Cold Creams, and your getting visits from countries closer to equator, then something is definitely wrong. You now need to start selling sunscreen lotions rather than cold creams to boost your sales. :)

Apart from countries, we can also view from which cities we are getting visits. This is also an important metric as we can determine from where actually we are making good business. This can be helpful to determine the success rate of our campaigns. For e.g you did a campaign for your product in Dallas. Now if your getting traffic from Dallas suggests that your campaign was quite effective. And if not, you need to change the strategy used while campaigning the last time.

Apart from this, you can view many others reports like below : Like the Screen resolution , Internet provider, Operating system and many more . It depends on the audience which we want to target and nature of our business that which report will be useful for us.

Reference :

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